Micromitzvah and Zoomitzvah
I get so much pleasure when I can share the unique and wonderful world of Micro Mitzvahs. Our new normal is getting easier to talk about and certainly easier to plan!!!
This was shot very recently, safely distanced, masked and with all my cameras.... It is imperative to feel safe that we can make your memories safe in your homes and heart during Covid times. Having the right kit in our bag enables us to stay safe and stay in the moment.
With so many vendors innovating and increasing their repertoire of entertainment and options, the fun is increasing weekly!!! Big Shout out to Craig at The Events Factory for his smooth transmission. Having worked previously together, we know that making the event seamless for our client is our number one goal. My second goal is to make sure I have a jelly sweet or two after the shoot!!! I find it helps to keep my Peter Pan lifestyle in check.
Lisa Foreman designed a wonderful logo which made the background of my pics feel so on brand!!! And what about the colours popping from the Balloon Guys... WOW, I loved them so much!! And I do want to say another heartfelt mention Michael Cohen for his guidance and enthusiasm at the rehearsal session the week before!! It makes me so happy to see him encourage the kids. And finally, if you spot the lovely John Hackenbroch in there….. he shot the video for the rehearsal too.!!!
Oli, I hope you enjoyed your epic weekend.. Here are a few divine shots… well loads actually!!! Too many beautiful memories you and your future family!!!!